A few weeks ago while I was speaking to some friends I clearly saw again my hope and clear believe that one day I will make it! Make what, you may ask 🙂 mee too …
I am searching that feeling: finally everything it is OK. Than I feel happy, I feel me, I feel connected to myself and I love everybody and so shall will be!
Doing in the last years a lot of personal development trainings, discussions, reading books, I went through this „Zen” feeling for several times. But allays something put me out. So this illusion that one day I will manage to stay in that Zen feeling came clear to me. I believe everybody is searching for that since the first day of life and manage to go more and more oft through this feeling and stay longer bun not forever …
Here my visual
And do you have any suggestions for staying in the middle?
nature, sports, music, some friends, my children, this blog helps me stay in the middle