I saw yesterday the movie Limitless and it was about what I was discovering lately. It is a fascinating trip into the constant need to be extraordinary, brilliant, powerful, healthy, independent, free, to be a genius and to be loved.
We are all sitting on a gold mine of personal resources we either don’t know about or we don’t trust we have them or we simply accept that only sometimes we are brilliant. The question is what about being extraordinary now and always?
I deeply believed a genius resides in each one of us. We were connected to it when we were young. Than our parents started to guide us to their values and started to force us to train not our talents but the talents which were measured by society, by their values. To be able to survive in this world. We learned that we are not „good enough” and stuck there trying to be better, training a talent we didn’t really had. We set our limits and remaine in the row. Having thousand of unused talents waiting to be discovered crying for the good times when we were young and we were connected to them.
Sometimes we are brilliant. It happened to me too to perform using my talents and it is great! I always wanted more or at leas again brilliant … I was always fighting, wishing, forcing, struggling to be different, extraordinary. I was not accepting the way I was and resisting to this state. And what you resist persists … Try, force, fight and you will always do that.
We are normally here on the bottom of the drawing and sometime we get a trip and access our talents. Being there up we look down and see how small we are and we don’t accept this. This is where this state of being unconnected to ourselves gets his power. The power of being small, common, limited … what you resist persists!
In the movie the main actor becomes dependent on the substance which gives him access to his resources and each time he was back to normal he was feeling worst. Once you saw your possibilities, qualities you will never accept to go back to the previous status.
Cine a vazut ielele devine neom, ce vrei?… Trece flacaul prin padure, aude o muzica nepamanteasca si vede in luminis, in lumina lunii ielele goale si despletite, jucand hora. Ramane inmarmurit, pironit pamantului, cu ochii la ele. Ele dispar si el ramane neom.
Camil Petrescu – Jocul Ielelor
So, is it up to us to be genius, to be connected to our gold mine of resources or it is up to a substance, are we god or not, shall we fight to be a genius or shall we relax and let it come?
I don’t know but what worked for me is first rediscover my talents and this StrengthsFinder helped a lot. Afterwards relax, because than everything happens simple, with ease and grace!
Have a look here, OLE!
Sunt de acord cu partea legata de potentialul pe care il are fiecare si care nu este exploatat la maxim din diverse motive. Dar sunt putin nedumerit legat de rolul parintilor si al societatii in viata copiilor, rol pe care mi se pare ca il minimizezi. Rolul parintilor este sa deschida niste usi, iar datoria copiilor este sa intre in acele camere. Daca vor sa ramana sa ramana, daca nu sa incerce alte camere. De exemplu mi-ar placea ca Petru sa joace baschet, pentru ca si mie imi place acest sport, dar daca lui nu o sa ii placa si o sa ii placa baletul, desi cu inima neimpacata, il voi lasa la balet.
Avem aceeasi parere, rolul societatii si in special al parintilor este esential in viata/viitorul copiilor. O minimizez?! Mi se pare ca arat chiar ce influente majore are.
Cat despre despre deschisul usilor, da, asa ar trebui sa fie insa in cazul meu nu am simtit foarte des ca am avut cu adevarat de ales … 🙁